Our API implements two different pagination techniques, it's helpful to know how they both work so you can create your API integration in a way that can detect and work with both techniques.
Technique #1: Pagination object will be in the response body
This is easy to see in an index response because the response payload will be an object instead of an array, and there will be a top-level key named "pagination" that contains the pagination information. An example of this is shown below
"pagination": {
"current": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"per_page": 100,
"pages": 1,
"count": 2,
"prev_page_path": null,
"next_page_path": null
Techinque #2: Pagination information will be in a response header
These payloads are easily distinguishable by their response body being an array of objects as opposed to a top-level object in the example above. In addition, pagination information will be contained in a response header called Link header
We are in the process of adding the Link header to all API responses that have the format described in technique #2 above. If you notice an API response that is missing the expected header, please let us know.